Monday, October 3, 2016

My Chicken and Noodles

Practically everyone in the house has had some sort of cold or fever over the past two weeks.  That's the one thing big families like to share, illnesses.  So, I offered to make some chicken and noodles.  Here's what I did step by step with pictures...mainly so I have record and recipe that I don't have to look up again!

For the noodles I combined 2 Cup of flour, 1 teaspoons of salt, an egg (pasture raised of course), and a teaspoon and one half of water.

I kneaded it into a ball...

I then rolled it flat, like almost transparent.  After that I cut it in half and laid one half on another and cut it in half again. Then, yeah, cut it in half again then I began slicing into noodles.

Cut and floured noodles.  I then let them dry on a cookie sheet.

While all of this was going on, little did you know I was boiling my chicken in a pot.  It was one of our broilers from this spring.  I put the whole bird in still frozen.  After the water came to a boil I reduced it to a simmer and let it cook for an hour.

I then separated the meat from the bones and put the carcass in the freezer for stock later.  After removing the chicken from the pot I added - 1 onion, 1/3 cup of celery, 1/3 cup of carrots, 2 Tbsps of Chicken Base and brought it to a boil for 15 mins.  Then I mixed 5 oz of evaporated milk and 2 Tbsps of Corn Starch and added and the noodles to the simmering mix.  After the noodles had simmered for about 15 mins, I added the chicken for 5 and then served over mashed potatoes.

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