Saturday, April 23, 2016

Egg-mobile continued

Friday was a beautiful day and a good day to work on more construction projects, especially this massive-pasture-sanitation-machine aka The Eggmobile.  We're building this mobile layer coop for 100 hens that will live on pasture until November.  This hay-wagon conversion will free up our brooder house for broilers and allow the layers fresh grass throughout the summer.

A construction project like this and creating a farm is much easier when you have lots of kids who are home-schooled (especially teens who love the work and farming in general), and retired grandparents living next door who share the dream.

Progress was certainly made on the mobile but we still have a long way to go, before May 2nd....when the broilers arrive.  So, we need to finish this and clean out the coop before those little ones arrive...and I'd like to build new chicken tractors, at least one, for this year.  I wasn't happy with the original design and am creating a multi-use design that can be a chicken tractor as need but also a hoop house for plants and animals in the cooler seasons.

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