Monday, May 2, 2016

Birthday, Anniversary, and more...

It was another busy weekend on the farm.  By weekend I mean Friday and Sunday.  My Saturday's are still out to pasture at this time while I continue to work at the car lot.  Sunday was my parents 45th Wedding Anniversary.  We also celebrated Catherine's 8th Birthday and my brother's return from his trip to Israel.

This is my first attempt at a cake from scratch.  Why in the world would anyone buy some box mix?  It was fairly easy and turned out very good.  Frosting is from scratch too.  In the end, the taste is really what matters, right.  Oh and a pet peeve, don't make me read your life story before I can have access to a recipe, that's just cruel!

We have about 6 baby bunnies on the farm right now.  Daniel took the opportunity to play (read torture) with many of them.  Yes, he's cute.  YES, he's ornery!  He should really be supervised 24/7.

This cool guy is an Eight Spotted Forester.  It's a pretty cool looking moth with a so-so name.  I bet his friends make fun of him.  Learn more here.

It never fails that some of my favorite flowers are actually invasive species.  Oh well, survival of the fittest, right?  Apparently these are Dame's Rocket and they smell great, especially in the evening.

Oh yeah, we grilled some fresh asparagus from the garden along with some peppers and mushrooms Friday night.  I don't believe asparagus should be prepared any other way.  Just sayin'.

The chicken tractor is certainly making progress.  Dad and Anthony did the majority of the work on Friday with a little help from me.  Most of my attention was devoted to making the nesting boxes that will be attached to the eggmobile and allow us to collect eggs from the outside.

Here's what nesting boxes for 100+ chickens looks like.  I hope to put plans for all of these items, including the eggmobile, on the blog soon.  I know I wish I would have had plans to go on!!

The nesting boxes aren't attached but rather rest on the outside of the eggmobile.  I've done this to allow for easy detachment so that we can move them inside our hoop houses when the weather is no longer conducive for the hens to be out in the eggmobile.

The dynamic duo ready to work!

Overall, it was a productive and enjoyable weekend on the farm.  We are now nervously awaiting our 50 broilers, 35 of which have already been purchased by friends and family.  Nervously awaiting because we have no real home for them since the eggmobile is not finished and the layers are still in the coop (future brooder) until it is finished.  I think they'll end up in the basement for a couple of days...or weeks... yikes!

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